We’ve found that 40% of executives hired at the senior level are pushed out, fail or quit within 18 months. It’s expensive in terms of lost revenue. It’s expensive in terms of the individual’s hiring. It’s damaging to morale.
KEVIN KELLY | CEO of Executive Search Firm, Heidrick & Struggles
Accelerate Speed-to-Relationships
Accelerate new executive and leaders’ understanding of their teams with comprehensive Prism® psychometrics and Team Insights Survey data.
Harness comprehensive insights from Prism® psychometric profiles, detailing 54 key traits and attributes of each team member.
Help transitioning executives and leaders gain a deeper understanding of how their strengths and blind spots will impact their new team members.
Enrich Cultural Assimilation
Provide leaders with a nuanced snapshot of team sentiments, gauging past dynamics and anticipating future challenges and opportunities with the Team Insights Survey.
Proactively identify and address the root causes of team conflict.
Empower leaders to accelerate trust, cohesion, and team psychological safety.
Lead In the Flow of Work
Continually monitor team sentiment, alignment, and performance with integrated team survey and advanced team analytics capabilities via a Leader dashboard.
Provide leaders with personalized communication strategies for more effective 1-on-1 interactions with the integrated Relationship Advisor tool.
Equip leaders with real-time analytics and ready them for broader, more successful team engagements with the integrated Team Advisor tool.
Amplify Leader Effectiveness
Elevate executive and leaders’ self-awareness, illuminating their strengths and blind spots with Prism® psychometrics.
Empower executives and leaders to adapt their leadership style, making them more versatile, empathetic, and impactful in their roles.
Help leaders master critical power skills and behaviors proven to increase leadership effectiveness in the new world of work.